Rural Hydrants & Water Source
A schematic of our first pumping system. the submersible pump is laying sideways in the 10" green pcv pipe (suspended actually). The Orange box is a 6" check valve with a 1/4" hole drilled right above the check valve to prevent backflow into the pump and still enable drainage. The pipe then goes verticle and goes into the manifold. See picture below of manifold. The manifold has two 2.5" ball valves to allow filling off this manifold. The two stubs are for future expansion. The 4" pvc pipe goes down from the center of the manifold and passes through the butterfly valve controling flow to the second remote manifold. The 4" pipe crosses the road diagonally to a sort of parking lot, where it pops back up with a square tube maifold with two 2.5" brass nipples for hose connections for a second tender.

The romote manifold. Note no flow control mechanisms. The flow to this manifold is controled from the primary manifold.

The primary manifold. There are two 2.5" ball valves off this manifold for filling, and between them is the downpipe and butterlfy valve feeding and controling the flow of the remote manifold.
The 10" pvc shown houses the submersible pump. The strainers are stainless steel. We additionally made verticle cuts in the pcv pipe beneath the strainers to facilitate higher flows. Note that the pvc acts as a case and giant 'strainer' for the submersible pump.
View of the check valve (blue). There is a 1/4" hole drilled immediatly above the check valve to facilitate drainage after use. View of the system prior to burial.